Thursday 19 July 2012

On 21-22 October, Thomas Elva Edison and his staff invented the first ever working Electric Lamp. This was a carbon-filament lamp in a vacuum. By New Years, Edison was demonstrating lamps using carbonized cardboard filaments to very large crowds at the Menlo Park Laboratory. The next year, Thomas then made manufacturing commercial lamps using carbonized Japanese bamboo as filaments.    

Wednesday 18 July 2012

The sewing machine is a textile machine which you use to stitch fabric together, cards and other materials together. An English man Thomas Saint in 1790. Thomas did not advertise that he had made the Sewing Machine. This sewing machine was for canvas and leather. They say that Saint would of had a working sewing machine, but there was no evidence that there was one. He only had models of how they should look and be used. Josef Madersperger an Australian tailor started to invent a sewing machine in 1807.  

Tuesday 17 July 2012

The Tin Can was made in 1810 by a British man Peter Durand. In the year 1812, Peter had sold his patent to two English men. After selling this, the two men set up a commercial canning factory. By 1813 they sold their first can to the British Army. Most cans have identical and parallel tops that are round tops and bottom. The only thing that they can be identified by is the labels that are printed around the outside of them.